Joy-Full Giving

[NOTE:  This teaching was originally presented on September 26, 2021, as my Sunday morning message to the congregation of the local church I attend; you may view the message by going to mydestinyfamily/messages, or view it on Youtube.]   Can you believe this statement from the Bible?:  “…God loves a cheerful giver.”  Or, as another translationContinue reading “Joy-Full Giving”

Are You Adopted?

This teaching is primarily about the biblical subject of adoption, but I’ve been perplexed (and sometimes troubled) for many, many years about a teaching among many of God’s children called “The Manifested Sons.”  God has not prompted me to teach anything about that subject and adoption until just recently.  This teaching will be an overviewContinue reading “Are You Adopted?”

The Lord’s Prayer…So-Called

The Lord’s Prayer—so-called—is not exclusively Jesus’ prayer; rather it is a means of prayer, a prayer outline that Jesus taught his disciples upon their request.  In fact, it seems that the only time the disciples may have asked Jesus to specifically teach them anything was when they asked Him to teach them how to pray Continue reading “The Lord’s Prayer…So-Called”

Science(s) And The Bible

The following is a brief alphabetical listing I have compiled about various fields of studies, endeavors, pursuits, and strategies used in determining the Bible’s origins, authenticity, trustworthiness, reliability, veracity, translations, interpretations, and understanding.  This is not a teaching, per se, as are most of the other 100 + teachings on this website. The listing givesContinue reading “Science(s) And The Bible”


When most people who are familiar with the Bible or Christianity hear or read the words “baptize” or “baptism,” they automatically think of being baptized in water as some sort of initiation rite into the Christian faith.  Many people might be surprised to learn that there is more than one type or mode of baptismContinue reading “Baptism(s)”


This is my 100th teaching I’m placing on this website.  It may or may not be the last teaching I’ll place on the website. Let me explain…  A couple of years ago, I had already placed about 60 teachings of my teachings on this website.  At that time, God spoke to me and said somethingContinue reading “Love”

Success and Prosperity

These days, ask almost anyone to define “success,” and they will answer something like this:  “Success is getting rich, success is achieving a good position in business, success is to gain popularity or fame, success is to be the best you can be in your chosen field, success is to raise my children properly, successContinue reading “Success and Prosperity”

Get Wisdom!

About 1,000 years before the time of Jesus, the writer of the Old Testament Book of Proverbs in the Bible wrote:  “Get Wisdom!” (Proverb 4: 5)  In fact, the Book of Proverbs is nicknamed  by many people “The Book of Wisdom.”  The word ”wisdom” and its derivatives (such as wise, wisely, etc.) occurs over 500Continue reading “Get Wisdom!”

Afraid of God?

For many years, one of my daily prayers has been:  “God, help me to be open to change in my understanding and attitudes about You, about your entire creation—and especially toward other people.”  In light of that daily prayer, recently the following two incidents took place… I’m extremely fortunate and blessed to have numerous friendsContinue reading “Afraid of God?”

Did God forsake Jesus?

Here’s something most of my my readers and students have never known about me until now…  For many years I harbored a secret fear that if God forsook or abandoned Jesus while He was dying on the cross, would God also abandon me some time…for some reason?  I’ve suffered three episodes of depression during myContinue reading “Did God forsake Jesus?”